Configuring Tasks

  1. From the Administrator Tools tab on the SmartSolve Portal Page, click Designer > Workflow Designer.
  2. Create a new workflow or open an existing workflow.
  3. Click the + in the upper right corner of the phase box to which you want to add the task.
  4. Left click on the Task object.
    Result: The Properties panel for the highlighted task is displayed.

  1. Enter the information in the following fields:
  2. Field Definition

    Step Name

    Enter the name of the step.

    Form Name

    Zoom to select the form to be used for this Task (step). Click the arrow to open the form in the Forms Designer.

    Route the form to

    Select one of the following:

    • The following user - Specify a single user and role to route the form to.
    • Dynamically - If selected, the designer must select which entity will be used to set the condition for "which user" the record will be sent to. See Per records in Entity and Qualifying condition below.

    Per all records in entity

    Qualifying condition

    Per Unique Users

    These fields are only displayed and used if Dynamically was selected in the Route the form to field.

    • Per all records in entity - Zoom to select an entity that specifies the data for the routing and assignment of this record. For example, if the product code equals this value, assign user 123 to the record as the owner.
    • Qualifying Condition - Zoom to select the qualifying condition for the entity selected, if applicable. See Configuring Formulas  for additional information.
    • Per Unique Users - Check this checkbox to allow the designer to only select the user based on the roles assigned in the system.


    Zoom to select the user this form will be routed to.

    Zoom to select a user based on entity fields attached.

    Zoom to select the user that has been configured in the User Management table of SmartSolve.


    Zoom to select the role required to perform this step. This could be a specific role or a role defined in the entity data.

    Zoom to select a role based on entity fields attached.

    Zoom to select the role that has been configured in the User Management table of SmartSolve.

    Dynamic Task Name

    Zoom to select a dynamic task name. A dynamic task name is selected if you want a different task name to be displayed when things change based on the data entered, workflow rules, user roles, etc. The dynamic task name will display rather than the name in the Step Name field.

    Dynamic Form Name

    Zoom to select the dynamic form name. A dynamic form is selected if you want a different form to be used when things change based on the data entered, workflow rules, user roles, etc. The dynamic form selected will display rather than the form selected in the Form Name field.


    Enter the level of the task. All tasks for a level must be completed before the next level of tasks are routed. For example, all level 1 tasks must be completed before the level 2 tasks will be routed.

    Allow users with same role to Sign-Off

    Check this checkbox to only allow users with the role configured above to sign-off this record.

    Notify Assignee

    Check this checkbox to send a notification to the user assigned to the record. See Notification Actions for additional information.

    Due Date

    Enter the due date interval for this step.


    Enter a description of the step.

    Save Sign-Off Signature Information

    Check this checkbox to track sign-off signatures in the record.

    Signature Required

    Check this checkbox to require the user to enter a signature upon sign-off of this step.

    Skip Confirmation

    Check this checkbox if after the user completes the step, you want to display a prompt to allow the user to Go to Portal, Go to Detail, or go to another phase of the workflow.

For On Route and On Submission Properties see also Validation Rules and Actions.



Monday, September 16, 2019
9:53 AM